blood pressure

Most of the scientists in the world who deal with matters concerning health have recommended certain types of foods on lowering blood pressure. Although you will find that people rarely use these foods. The foods and food stuffs that we are told not to use are the ones that top our diets. There are specific foods that researches have recommended to lower blood pressure. You should ensure that they occupy a large percentage of your diets.

Eat a lot of no fat yogurt. This is bearing the fact that it is very nutritious and at the same time adds benefits to your health. As it is free from fats it is much recommended. You should understand that dairy fats are not recommended whatsoever. This links it to lowering the pressure of the blood.

Add a lot of sun flower seeds to diet. They contain fiber and proteins. This puts out it to be the best cure of blood pressure. You should also understand that the sodium content in it is very low. It contains some nutrients known to inhibit the enzyme that promotes high blood pressure.

Banana is also considered as a great food item to lower blood pressure naturally. It is rich in potassium and by just taking 2 per day you will improve your health by a larger factor. This mineral potassium assists in removing sodium from the body.

You may also consider potatoes, beets, oats and spinach. These are other healthy foods known to reduce blood pressure naturally. Research has also shows that nitrates lower the pressure of the blood. Spinach contains much of this. Remember fats and meat, which are not lean are not healthy must be consumed in a limit. So adopt this simple routine and lower your blood pressure naturally just by adding these easy food items found in every kitchen.

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